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PM's Spokesman to the Arab media Ofir Gendelman talks to MBC TV about the Shalit deal
PM's Spokesman to Arab media, Ofir Gendelman, talks to BBC Arabic about the Shalit deal
Exclusive Interview with Ofir Gendelman
Israel's Arabic Spokesman Ofir Gendelman on the Gaza Protest Flotilla
Ofir Gendelman Interview on France 24, 16 November 2012
Ofir Gendelman on Al-Jazeera: You only show half the story about the Temple Mount
PM Netanyahu's Arabic language spokesperson comments about the interception of the Iranian arms ship
Ofir Gendelman on Al-Jazeera: Jerusalem has been our capital for 3000 years. Stop forging history.
Ofir Gendelman: No resolution by UNESCO will change our ancient history
Why does Israel object to a PA-Hamas unity government?
Ofir Gendelman on Al-Jazeera: You can't distort the facts!
A message for the people of Gaza: Hamas has perpetrated a crime against you